Work Breakdown Structures

One of my friend has a problem in Work Breakdown Structures (WBS) – Elucidate the value, role and use of the WBS methodology in the project management.




The Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is employed by the firm owners and plan supervisors in order to make multifaceted projects more controllable. It is developed to aid divide a venture into convenient sections that could be successfully anticipated and administered. Moving ahead, the use of the WBS methodology in project management involves; assistance with precise project coordination, aids with handing over accountabilities, highlights the control places, makes possible more exact assessment of cost, threat and time and lastly, aids in elucidating the project extent to the stakeholders associated with the project. Further, the effectiveness of Work Breakdown Structure of a project can easily verify project’s accomplishment. It offers the basis for project scheduling, price assessment, preparation and resource distribution.

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