Which parameter good measures value creation

Which parameter good measures value creation; the Economic Value Added (EVA), the CVA (Cash Value Added) or the economic profit?




The Economic Value Added (EVA) is the profit before interests minus the book value of the company multiplied with the WACC. The Economic Profit (EP) is the net income minus the book value of the shares multiplied with the needed return to equity. The Cash Value Added (CVA) is the profit before interests plus depreciation, minus economic depreciation, minus the cost of the utilized resources.

Fernández (2001) demonstrates that EP, EVA and CVA do not measure value creation in a company for all periods.  These parameters can prove to be of specific usefulness to executives and to the business units while setting objectives, but this does not make any sense to provide the EP, EVA and CVA the meaning of value creation for each period.

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