Whats come after audit

What to do after the audit?




i) Conduct an auditors meeting to converse the closing meeting content.

ii) Conduct a closing meeting with all auditees engaged with the audit. First, point out what was completed well. Second, address the nonconformance’s and makes sure the auditees comprehend the nonconformances and what division of the standard is not met.

iii) Issue the audit report in a timely way.

iv) Promote auditees to decide on the counteractive actions. Allowing auditees to have input will give them ownership in executing changes.

v) Aid those responsible for completing the counteractive actions with setting reasonable deadlines. The counteractive action deadlines might differ depending on the severity of the noncompliance.

vi) Be accessible and willing to aid the auditees.

vii) Ask for pointer on how you and your audit team were perceived - regulate your approach if essential.

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