
What is SLAM

SLAM is a Microsoft project that blurs the line between static analysis and model checking and deductive reasoning. The main goal of SLAM is to check temporal safety properties of C programs (it actually checks that a program correctly uses the interface to an external library) while minimizing the problem of false positives (by using counterexample-driven refinement) without overburdening the users with code annotations. SLAM is original in the sense that it first creates a Boolean abstraction of the original program, then refines the abstraction until it can prove the property or produce a counterexample.

SLAM is one of the rare model checkers with a successful technology transfer story. Indeed, the SLAM analysis engine forms the core of a newly released tool called Static Driver Verifier (SDV) that systematically analyzes the source code of Microsoft Windows device drivers against a set of rules that define what it means for a device driver to accurately interact with the Windows operating system kernel.

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