What is Runtime services

What is meant by the Runtime services?




Runtime services includes user-defined and predefined classes which are available to workflow runtime engine throughout its execution to customize behaviour of the workflow runtime.

Some of the runtime services provided in WF 4.0 are as follows:

a) Work batch services – It enables behaviour for maintaining the consistent and stable execution environment.

b) Scheduling services - It enables scheduling and creation of the new workflow instances for the execution.

c) Persistence services - It enables to save or restore the state of running workflow for the later use. The savedworkflow can be started anytime in the future, even after the weeks of inactivity.

d) Tracking services – It allows to monitor the state of workflows. This is mainly useful while you have many workflows active simultaneously (such as, in the shopping cart application).

e) Timer service - It manages the timing needed by the DelayActivity activity.

f) Transactions services – It provides the transaction support required for the data integrity.

g) Data exchange services - It manages custom communication services.

h) Threading services – It Administer physical threads used for executing workflow instances.

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