what is homeostasis

State what is homeostasis? What are controllers, sensors and effectors of homeostasis?




Homeostasis consists of the processes through which the organism manages the adequate intra and extracellular conditions in order to keep possible the normal reactions of the metabolism. Homeostatic sensors are the structures which detect the information from inner and outer environment of the body. These sensors can be nervous receptor cells, cytoplasmic or membrane proteins and other specialized molecules. Controllers are the structures which are responsible in order to process and interpret the information which is received from the sensors. Generally, controllers are the specialized regions of central nervous system but at the molecular level there are also some of them, such as DNA, a molecule which may get the information from proteins in order to inhibit or stimulate the expression of some genes. Effectors are the elements commanded by controllers which have function of bringing about the actions which in fact regulate and maintain the equilibrium of organism, such as glands, muscles, cellular organelles, and so on and at the molecular level structures which participate in genetic translation, the produced proteins, etc.

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