Wage Differentials by Adam Smith

Adam Smith would have had the greatest complexity in describing income differentials as depends on scarcity and productivity for the case wherein: (1) Holly lives into New York City and is paid more than Devin, who has a same job in Kansas. (2) Chad, a tight end for the Cincinnati Bengals, makes $3 million per year, while Bud, a high school football coach, makes $31,000 yearly. (3) Sean washes skyscraper windows and makes three times to the extent that Robin, a janitor in identical building. (4) Candy, who dates her boss, gets $20,000 in yearly bonuses, but Amanda, a more diligent receptionist than Candy, acquires only the minimum legal wage rate. (5) Brad averages $40,000 an hour for starring in Hollywood blockbusters, but Murray, that narrates Oscar-winning documentaries, averages only $28,000 yearly as an actor.

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