Vitamins which make up B complex

Write down the vitamins which make up B complex? Which problems does the scarcity of these vitamins cause?




Vitamins of the B complex are: vitamin B1, thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin B2, and niacin (or B3), vital for constitution of hydrogen acceptors NAD, FAD and NADP of energetic metabolism; pyridoxine, B6; and cyanocobalamin, vitamin B12.

Deficiency of the vitamin B1 causes beriberi, thrashing of fatigue and appetite. The scarcity of vitamin B2 causes mucosal harms in the mouth, lips and tongue. Deficiency of the niacin causes nervousness, digestive disturbances, loss of pellagra and energy. Scarcity of vitamin B6 causes skin lesions, convulsions and irritation. Vitamin B12 acts together with the folic acid and its deficiency causes cell division disruptions important to pernicious anemia (a kind of nutrient deficiency anemia and megaloblastic). The absorption of vitamin B12 based on another substance called intrinsic factor secreted by gastric mucosa.

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