
visual basic programming homework

A local car hire company has approached you to create a user-friendly computer program that will enable their hire operatives to send invoices to their customers.

The operatives are not computer literate so a user-friendly, uncomplicated and robust interface is required.

At present the information is handled on a written form (which you can obtain a copy of upon request).

The basic information required by the company is:

Type of car:

There are 3 types:    Type A - Less than 1200cc

                                    Type B - 1200cc - 1600cc

                                    Type C - 1600cc and above

The rates and charges for each type of car are as follows:

Car type

Engine size

Daily hire rate (£)

Insurance rate
£ per day

Mileage £
per mile

£ per week








1200 -1600cc












When the information is collected a printed quote is required for the customer.

This should include all the above information, Name and address of customer, the car registration number, type and colour of car, estimated cost + VAT (20%).

An invoice also needs to be printed showing the total cost of the hire. This invoice is required for both the company's and the customer's tax records.


Other information

A simple database needs to be produced for the car hire company, the information in the database should be entered via a user interface in the same program (the user should also be able to add, delete and amend information.



Evidence Required

You are required to submit:

1.    Design Work, evidence of preparatory design work such

1.1. Pseudo code showing the processes involved in the program.

1.2. Outline screen designs. (these can be hand drawn or produced using a professional drawing package)

1.3. For a merit (M1, M2) and distinction (D1) you should explain why you have chosen to use a particular control and discuss other possible alternatives.

2.    User operating instruction, word processed and including some screen shots (M3).

3.    A printout of all the program coding and any forms as graphical images, a disk need not be included but may be asked for by the tutor.

4.    A demonstration of the (working) program is required by the tutor.

Including: Connection to database.

5.    A test plan giving details of enough tests to fully exercise the application. The plan should include:

5.1. Purpose of each test

5.2. Test data to be used. The test data should include Normal input and faulty input

5.3. The expected results of the test

5.4. The actual result of the test

5.5. A table of the results

6.    For a distinction, an evaluation report stating for example

6.1. How suitable your choice of controls have been

6.2. How easy your system is to use

6.3. Possible improvements to the existing system

6.4. Possible improvements if an upgrade is requested.

Please ensure that your name, student number, and a page numbers appear in the footer of each page. The title, assignment number and unit should appear in the header.

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