
Vegetal stratification influencing biological diversity

Explain how does the vegetal stratification of an ecosystem influences the biological diversity?




The vegetal stratification of an ecosystem, such as the strata of Amazon Rainforest, forms the vertical layers having the peculiar abiotic and biotic factors, dividing the ecosystem into many different environments. Thus, in the superior layer near crowns of big trees, the exposition to the light, rain, and wind is greater but moisture is lower than the inferior layers. As one goes down the strata, penetration of the light diminishes and moisture improves. Regarding the biotic factors, communities of every stratum present composition, attributes, food habits, and reproduction strategies, and so on, also different. Such variations within the abiotic and biotic factors form the selective pressure upon living beings also diversified, there exists more ecological niches to be explored and more varied beings emerge at the time of evolutionary process.

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