
Uses of BYTE, WORD and DWORD

Write a program that shows the uses of BYTE, WORD and DWORD?




BYTE, WORD and DWORD are the data types that are used for a specific length instead of the target platform.

a. It contains the complexity to write the program with it as it needs header files to be used.

b. It make available portability with the code and also with different hardware platforms on different compilers.
#include <stdint.h>
typedef uint8_t BYTE;
typedef uint16_t WORD;
typedef uint32_t DWORD;

c. DWORDs: It can also be known as Double WORDs and used as a data type, defined as unsigned 32 bit.

d. WORDs: It is used as a Single word and defined as unsigned 16 bit values. WORDs are machine independent which are used for the programming purpose.

e. BYTEs are usually defined as unsigned 8-bit values.

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