
User Interfaces, three classes of an operating system user

Task: In the lecture on User Interfaces, three classes of an operating system user were identified, end-user, programmer/developer and administrator. You are required to produce a report that describes and compares the typical activities of these classes of user. You must include appropriate screenshots of these activities.

Your analysis of the three classes of user should be performed on two different desktop operating systems, one of which must be Unix based. In addition you must critically appraise, for each class the different approaches adopted by each operating system.

You must draw a conclusion from the results of your findings.

Whilst it is acknowledged that much of your research can be conducted using the Internet, your findings must be expressed in your own words and must not be merely be a 'copy and paste' exercise. You should also obtain material from a variety of sources and not be too dependent on a narrow range of references.

Your report should professional report and contain between 3000 and 3500 words. If the number of words lies below this range you will be penalised. You must include an accurate word count (evidenced by a screen shot). If this is not included this will also incur a penalty 


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