
Unit testing into informatica

How can we do unit testing into the informatica? How to load data in the informatica?




Unit testing are of two types

i). Quantitative testing

ii). Qualitative testing


i). First authenticate the mapping

ii). Make session on mapping and then run the workflow.

Once the session is succeeded the right clicks on the session and go for statistics tab.
There you can see how many number of the source rows is applied and how many number of the rows loaded into the targets and how many number of the rows are rejected. This is known as Quantitative testing.

If once rows are effectively loaded then we will go for the qualitative testing.


1. Take the DATM (DATM defines where all business rules is mentioned to corresponding source columns) and check whether the data is loaded according to DATM into target table. If any data is not loaded according to DATM then go and verify in code and rectify it. This is known as Qualitative testing.

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