
Types of validation controls of ASP.NET AJAX 4.0

List the types of validation controls that are available in the ASP.NET AJAX 4.0?




The validation controls that are available in the ASP.NET AJAX 4.0 are as follows:

PasswordStrengthExtender – It measures strength of a password text entered inside the text box by legalize through the different strength specified parameters

MaskedEditValidator and MaskedEditExtender – It limits the user to enter only the certain pattern of the characters in a TextBox by applying the mask to a input.

ValidatorCalloutExtender – It attaches to a ASP.NET validators so that error messages will not be displayed as the simple text but as the balloon-style ToolTip.

FilteredTextBoxExtender – It enables us to apply filtering to the text box.

NoBot: This prevents spam or bot from filling an input forms automatically and employs a totally Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart ( or CAPTCHA), which is a kind of challenge-response test to make sure that response is not generated by a computer.

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