Toxins, Carcinogens, Teratogens and Neurotoxins

(a) Toxins
(b) Carcinogens
(c) Teratogens
(d) Neurotoxins.




i) Toxins: Toxins are the poisonous substances mainly a protein, that is produced by living cells or organisms and is capable of causing disease when introduced into the body.
Eg :  Snake venom and Methanol

ii) Carcinogens: A substance capable of causing cancer in living tissue is called carcinogen  
Eg :  tobacco and dioxins

iii) Teratogens: A teratogen is an agent that might disturb the growth of the Embryo.  Teratogens stop the progress of the pregnancy or create a congenital malfunction.
Eg: benazepril, captopril and enalapril

iv) Neurotoxins :A substance that is poisonous or destructive to nerve tissue is called neurotoxins.
Eg: ethanol, lead, nitric oxide and botulinum toxin.

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