
Time on satellite pictures

Where can one find the time on satellite pictures? What time zone is this?




The date & time stamps are situated at the top or bottom of every image, along with other information. For instance, G-10 IMG 01 3 Jun 00 TIME=00:30UTC RES=4km NWS/WR=SSD, is a typical date-time stamp that appears on satellite images. The date & time, coloured blue in the above example, is in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). UTC is also called as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) or Zulu Time (Z). Along with the West Coast, we are about 8 hours behind the UTC during Pacific Standard Time (PST). Throughout Daylight Saving Time (PDT), from mid April through mid October, we are approximate 7 hours behind the UTC. In the example above, it's June 3rd 2000, 30 minutes past midnight in Greenwich England. In order to obtain local time, you subtract 7 hours to get June 2nd 2000, 5:30PM PDT. The next calendar day has already begun in Greenwich England!


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