
Three ethical issues

 DetailsYou will draft a memorandum to a specified executive officer that identifies, discusses, and proposes a resolution for each of 3 ethical issues raised in the hypothetical fact pattern. For each issue that you identify your discussion will (1) present the relevant facts; (2) explainwhy the issue is an ethical issue, and how legal concerns, managers' fiduciary duties, and the effects on all corporate stakeholders define the ethical issue, and direct resolution of the issue.; and (3) provide a reasoned justification for the best resolution for both the short term and the long term, considering carefully the interests of each category of corporate stakeholder (i.e., ata minimum, employees, community, investors (shareholders), consumers). Further Instructions: Students are encouraged to paraphrase all sources, and are required to properly attribute ideas, and language, taken from any other sources. Grades will be partially based on a. grammar and organization, i.e., 

  • Grammatical accuracy, sentence and paragraph structure Timeliness of project submission and adherence to deadlines Clarity of expression and presentation of ideasb. conformity to the standards of formatting and documentation, including proper citations and references found in the APA Style Manual.The final product must:a. Be typed, double spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman fonts, with margins no wider than one inch.b. Have no headers or footers except page numbers.c. Be prepared in Microsoft Word or Rich text format only.d. Contain, in attributions made in the body of the paper, only the author's name and page number, e.g., (Smith, p. 44).e. Not include pictures, graphs or lists in the body of the paper. If these are needed to support facts provided, place them at the end of the paper as an addendum. Reference them in the body of the paper. They will not count towards paper length.f. Contain a comprehensive References list of all sources actually used in preparing the project, including for each entry the author, title, city and state of publisher, publisher's name, year, and page number, if applicable, or the precise webpage of the material referenced.Skills Assessed Clearly and succinctly states facts relevant to the statement and resolution of the ethical issue(s) Distinguishes ethical issues from purely management, marketing, finance, etc. issues. Distinguishes legal issues from ethical issues, and explains the inter-relations between them. Uses and integrates concept of fiduciary duties in analyzing managers' ethical responsibilities Identifies fiduciary duties arising in factual circumstances. Articulates alternative courses of action, evaluating them in terms of implicated stakeholder interests, fiduciary duties. Persuasively justifies one alternative course as best for the business, considering both ethics and bottom line. Properly attributes words and ideas from other sources. Writes grammatically, clearly, and succinctly; follows technical instructions.

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