Theory of mercantilism

Explain what was the theory of mercantilism?




Mercantilism was the economic philosophy underlying English colonial policy. The objective of mercantilism was to increase the wealth of the Mother County (Great Britain) in silver and gold. To accomplish that goal, a satisfactory balance of trade was desired. Which means that a nation would sell more than it would purchase, thus making extra in the capital. The philosophy name points out the importance of merchants in this policy. Merchants would sell the products to foreign countries and purchased items to be sold within the country. Gatherings played a vital role in mercantilism. A colony would provide the required raw materials to the industries of England and the colonists would be a source of income to the nation because they would buy the finished products and supplies they desired to grow, from the Mother Country. The ideal was to become self-sufficient. The nation would give everything to its people according to its need and buy nothing from foreign countries. As the ideal could not be accomplished in the real world of economics, the purpose of mercantilism was to reduce imports that cost money and maximize exports and the trade that brought money in the nation.

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