
TCP- Transmission Control Protocol

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) was specifically designed to provide a reliable end-to- end byte stream over an unreliable internetwork. An internetwork differs from a single network because different parts may have wildly different topologies, bandwidths, delays, packet sizes, and other parameters. TCP was designed to dynamically adapt to properties of the internetwork and to be robust in the face of many kinds of failures.TCP was formally defined in RFC 793. As time went on, various errors and inconsistencies were detected, and the requirements were changed in some areas. These clarifications and some bug fixes are detailed in RFC 1122. Extensions are given in RFC 1323.

Each machine supporting TCP has a TCP transport entity, either a library procedure, a user process, or part of the kernel. In all cases, it manages TCP streams and interfaces to the IP layer. A TCP entity accepts user data streams from local processes, breaks them up into pieces not exceeding 64 KB (in practice, often 1460 data bytes in order to fit in a single Ethernet frame with the IP and TCP headers), and sends each piece as a separate IP datagram. When datagrams containing TCP data arrive at a machine, they are given to the TCP entity, which reconstructs the original byte streams. For simplicity, we will sometimes use just ''TCP'' to mean the TCP transport entity (a piece of software) or the TCP protocol (a set of rules). From the context it will be clear which is meant. For example, in ''The user gives TCP the data,'' the TCP transport entity is clearly intended.



The IP layer gives no guarantee that datagrams will be delivered properly, so it is up to TCP to time out and retransmit them as need be. Datagrams that do arrive may well do so in the wrong order; it is also up to TCP to reassemble them into messages in the proper sequence. In short, TCP must furnish the reliability that most users want and that IP does not provide. Figure 8 shows the layout of a TCP segment. Every segment begins with a fixed-format, 20-byte header. The fixed header may be followed by header options. After the options, if any, up to 65,535 - 20

- 20 = 65,495 data bytes may follow, where the first 20 refer to the IP header and the second to the TCP header. Segments without any data are legal and are commonly used for acknowledgements and control messages.

The Source port and Destination port fields identify the local end points of the connection. The source and destination end points together identify the connection. The sequence number and Acknowledgement number fields perform their usual functions. Note that the latter specifies the next byte expected, not the last byte correctly received. Both are 32 bits long because every byte of data is numbered in a TCP stream. The TCP header length tells how many 32-bit words are contained in the TCP header.

This information is needed because the Options field is of variable length, so the header is, too. Technically, this field really indicates the start of the data within the segment, measured in 32-bit words, but that number is just the header length in words, so the effect is the same. Next comes a 6-bit field that is not used. The fact that this field has survived intact for over a quarter of a century is testimony to how well think out TCP is. Lesser protocols would have needed it to fix bugs in the original design. Now comes six 1-bit flags. URG is set to 1 if the Urgent pointer is in use. The Urgent pointer is used to indicate a byte offset from the current sequence number at which urgent data are to be found. This facility is in lieu of interrupt messages. As we mentioned above, this facility is a bare-bones way of allowing the sender to signal the receiver without getting TCP itself involved in the reason for the interrupt.

The ACK bit is set to 1 to indicate that the Acknowledgement number is valid. If ACK is 0, the segment  does  not  contain  an  acknowledgement so  the  Acknowledgement number  field  is ignored.

The PSH bit indicates PUSH ed data. The receiver is hereby kindly requested to deliver the data to the application upon arrival and not buffer it until a full buffer has been received (which it might otherwise do for efficiency).

The RST bit is used to reset a connection that has become confused due to a host crash or some other  reason.  It  is  also  used  to  reject  an  invalid  segment  or  refuse  an  attempt  to  open  a connection. In general, if you get a segment with the RST bit on, you have a problem on your hands. The SYN bit is used to establish connections. The connection request has SYN = 1 and ACK = 0 to indicate that the piggyback acknowledgement field is not in use. The connection reply does bear an acknowledgement, so it has SYN = 1 and ACK = 1. In essence the SYN bit is used to denote CONNECTION REQUEST and CONNECTION ACCEPTED, with the ACK bit used to distinguish between those two possibilities.

The FIN bit is used to release a connection. It specifies that the sender has no more data to transmit. Both SYN and FIN segments have sequence numbers and are thus guaranteed to be processed in the correct order.

Flow control in TCP is handled using a variable-sized sliding window. The Window size field tells how many bytes may be sent starting at the byte acknowledged. A Window size field of 0 is legal and says that the bytes up to and including Acknowledgement number - 1 have been received, but that the receiver is currently badly in need of a rest and would like no more data for the moment. The receiver can later grant permission to send by transmitting a segment with the same Acknowledgement number and a nonzero Window size field.

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