
Style based on the task versus people emphasis

Style based on the task versus people emphasis

Another Standard way of the classify leadership style is based on the relative concern the leader places on the task to be performed vis-à-vis the people performing the task.

A leader who places greater emphasis on task performance tends to exhibit the following behaviors:

i)  Organizing and defining the roles of the group members.

ii)  Enplaning what activities each has to do and when, where and how tasks are to be accomplished.

iii) Establishing well-defined patterns of organization, channels of communication and ways of task accomplishment.

A Leader who places greater emphasis on people tries to gain their relationships by exhibiting such behaviors as :

i) Establishing channels of communication

ii) Extending psychological support to them

iii) Developing mutual trust

iv) Developing empathy for them

Depending on task emphasis or people emphasis, four combinations are possible ea shown in figure below:\

i.   High-task and Low-relationship: A high-risk and low-relationship leader emphasizes showing employees how to get the tasks accomplished and spends minimum time giving psychological support. This style may be effective where the employees are inexperienced with their work to be performed. The high-task and low-relationship style may also bed well suited to situations where seasonal help is involved. Seasonal employees may be unfamiliar with the task and these require direct guiding ce on performing the work properly. A high-task and low-relationship leader is not necessarily rude or discourteous. The leader simply takes the expedient route of focusing on work rather than people.

ii.   High-Task and High Relationship: This leader spends considerable time showing people how to get the work accomplished and providing them psychological support. The high-task and high-relationship style is considered generally useful because it results in high productivity and personal satisfaction. A more critical look at this style would suggest that it works best in situations where people need an active and involved leader. When employees are lacking in self-confidence and technical skill,  the high-task and high relationship style is particularly effective.

iii. Low-Relationship and Low-Task:  A leader using the high-relationship and low-task style gives employees much encouragement and support but a minimum of guidance about the task accomplishment. In some situations employees need more psychological support rather than technical instructions. The high-relationship and low-task style is suitable for such situations.

iv. Low-Relationship and Low-Task: A leader using this style is neither here nor there. It is essentially a free-rein style. Subordinates are given considerable latitude in performing their work. They are also given very little psychological support, encouragement and praise. They are; therefore, free to run their own show. When subordinates are highly skilled and psychologically mature, this style can be effective.

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