
Strategies for online Enterprises

Illustrates the strategies for online Enterprises?




Strategies for Online Enterprises are as follows:

1. A company that chooses to use the Internet as its select channel for accessing buyers is in essence an online business from the perspective of the consumer.

2. For a company to achieve something in using the Internet as its exclusive distribution channel, its service or product must be one for which buying online holds powerful appeal.

3. An online company’s strategy must incorporate the following attributes:

     i. The capability to deliver sole value to buyers.

    ii. Deliberate efforts to engineer a value chain that enables lower costs, differentiation or superior value for the money.

    iii. A fresh, innovative, and entertaining Web site.

   iv. A clear concentrate on a limited number of competencies and a comparatively specific number of value chain activities in which proprietary Internet capabilities and applications can be developed.

  v. Innovative marketing techniques those are efficient in reaching the targeted audience and efficient in stimulating purchases.

   vi. Minimal dependence on auxiliary revenues.

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