
Strategically Relevant Components of an organization

What are the Strategically Relevant Components of an organization’s?




The Strategically Relevant Components of an organization’s External Environment

1. All organizations work in a macro-environment wrought by influences emanating from the economy at big, population demographics, lifestyles and societal values, governmental legislation and regulation, technological factors and the industry & competitive field in which the organization operates.

2. The Components of a Company’s Macro-environment, identifies the fields within an organization’s macro-environment.

3. Strictly speaking, an organization’s macro-environment contains all relevant factors and influences outside an organization’s boundaries.

4. For the most part, influences coming from the external ring of the macro-environment have a low contact on an organization’s business situation and figure only the edges of the company’s strategy and direction. There are errors to this, of course, for example the cigarette industry.

5. There are enough strategically relevant trends and developments in the external-ring of the macro-environment to validate managers maintaining an alert eye.

6. The factors and forces in an organization’s macro-environment having the major strategy-shaping impact almost always relate to organization’s immediate competitive environment.

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