
statistics math

Detailed explanation of requirements for Part C-1 The assignment states the following requirement for Part 1, which is due at the end of Week 4: “Choose a topic from your field of study. Keep in mind you will need to collect at least [sic] 3- points of data for this project. Construct the sheet you will use to record your data. Your instructor must approve your idea and your data collection sheet before you can complete the rest of this assignment. (5 points)” This is not very clear on just what you need to do and what is expected. Certain things are clear from the preamble to the Part C assignment: You are to do a survey; however, with my permission you may collect data using a method other than survey, but you will need to have a really sound plan for doing so; You are to collect quantitative and qualitative data using this survey (or approved plan); You are to have at least one quantitative and at least one qualitative variable question in your survey (or approved plan); You are not to collect any data until I have approved your idea and survey instrument (or plan); failure to observe this requirement will result in failing the assignment. This is a very difficult assignment if you do it correctly. I’ve seen a lot of really bad survey research at the doctoral level. I do not expect doctoral level work here, of course, but I do want you to get an idea of what constitutes decent survey research. There is an order to the way you need to do things. Here’s what you need to do. Step 1: Decide what it is you want to find out. This is known as a research question. Don’t make this too complicated. We can discuss ideas in the Participation thread that I have set up. Until you have decided what you want to find out, there is no way you can know what questions you want to ask. Step 2: Figure out what information you need to know to answer your research question. Step 3: Write at least one quantitative and one qualitative survey question that can gather the information you need. Step 4: Design a survey form on which you can record responses to the survey questions. There are some examples of simple survey questions included in the assignment document. Those are just examples, so don’t feel like you have to use them. Step 5: Design a table on which you can record and organize the responses from step 4. You will use this table in your analysis later on in the project. This should be similar to the table in problem 46, page 319 or the data tables in the problems on page 333. Step 6: Decide what population you will survey and describe that population. These are the people who are familiar with your topic and can provide answers to your questions. Remember that you need to obtain at least 30 responses. I will not approve surveying children. Step 7: Write all this up and submit it to me for approval. You are welcome to write it up in “step” form if that helps. The earlier in the week that you get this done, the better, as you may have to revise your plan before I will approve it. MTH 108 – Statistics Application Name________________________ Part C: Making Graph and Data-Based Decisions (60 points) Paragraphs should be typed and written in complete sentences. Please use project headings for each section. Use Times New Roman, 12-pt font and double space. Cite any resources in APA format. This assignment requires you to collect your own data and to use that information to make decisions. This project happens in two parts. Part (due Seminar 4) requires you to identify a topic. Parts 2-5 (due Seminar 5) require you to collect and use the data. You will need to collect both qualitative and quantitative data. You must design a survey to collect your data. Make sure you have at least one qualitative and a least one quantitative variable question included in your survey. Your instructor must approve your idea and survey before you start collecting data. You may be able to collect your data in another method (i.e. internet sites) only with instructor approval. Examples and ideas are included on page 3. Part 1 (Due Seminar 4) 1. Data collection idea and survey approval: Choose a topic from your field of study. Keep in mind you will need to collect at least 30 points of data for this project. Construct the sheet you will use to record your data. Your instructor must approve your idea and your data collection sheet before you can complete the rest of this assignment. (5 pts.) Parts 2 – 5 (Due Seminar 5) 2. Introduction: (1-2 paragraphs) Explain why you are interested in your selected topic. (5 pts.) Clearly state the goal of your study. Explain what you are trying to determine with the data you are going to collect. What qualitative data are you planning to collect? What quantitative data are you planning to collect? (5 pts.) 3. Data Collection: (1-2 paragraphs) Identify the population for your study. (3 pts.) Discuss your method of sampling (i.e. random, systematic, stratified, convenience, etc.). Explain why this method was chosen. (3 pts.) Does your method of sampling introduce any bias that may affect your results? (3 pts.) Are you conducting an observational study or a survey? Explain. Include the survey you used to collect your data. (3 pts.) Discuss limitations resulting from the sampling method chosen or sample size available. Include any problems encountered while trying to collect the data. (3 pts.) 4. Descriptive Statistics: (1-2 pages) Include raw data collected Include descriptive statistics for your quantitative variable. Include the mean, median, mode, range, and standard deviation for the data you collected. Show all calculations and work. (5 pts.) Summarize your qualitative data variable by including percentages for the different categories. Show all calculation and work. (5 pts.) Provide graphical summaries (at least two different graphs must be included in project, one for each type of data): Quantitative data: Histogram or boxplot. Summarize the graph(s). Why did you choose to display the data the way you did? (5 pts.) Qualitative data: Pie chart, bar chart, or tables. Summarize the graph(s). Why did you choose to display the data the way that you did? (5 pts.) 5. Final Conclusion: (1-2 paragraphs) Summarize your final conclusions based on your sample data and your initial stated goals for the study. Were you were surprised by the results of your project or did your summary verify what you suspected? Why? (5 pts.) Make any recommendations for further studies on this topic. Discuss what you have learned by doing this project. (5 pts.) My field of study is law and i will help you with any other questions relating to this assignment. thank you.

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