This week you will analyze if women drink more sodas than men. For the purposes of this Question, assume that in the past there has been no difference. However, you have seen lots of women drinking sodas the past few months. You will perform a hypothesis test to determine if women now drink more sodas than men. State what you are testing. Write the hypotheses. Show the relevant numbers. Then explain your results. Use alpha = .05.
Ask 10 people (try to get 5 male and 5 female) the following questions:
a. their age
b. how many vitamins they take daily
c. how many carbonated sodas they drink each day
d. how many alcoholic beverages they drink each month
Age Sex VitaminsSoda EtOH
1 26 Female 1 3 10
2 65 Female 3 0 2
3 42 Female 3 2 2
4 25 Female 0 6 20
5 29 Female 1 6 15
6 30 Male 0 0 25
7 38 Male 0 2 18
8 60 Male 0 0 2
9 58 Male 1 8 6
10 62 Male 1 1 4