Spearheading Transformation

Explain the term Spearheading Transformation in Health care organization ?




Spearheading Transformation:

It is well known that on paper healthcare organizations seem the same as other gigantic corporations. However a deeper analysis reveals that healthcare organizations are far more complicated than any other corporations that the world has seen thus far and more than just a way of business.  A contributing factor to this complexity is the sheer mix of professionals and stakeholders ranging from doctors, nurses, patients, pharmacists and not to forget the government. What spices up the challenge for leaders of these organizations is the ever growing demand for healthcare services.

This, then being the backdrop, the article tries to present a model of how to spearhead transformation in healthcare organizations. It attempts to use the implementation of a CPOE system – more specifically, the Medication Order Entry/Medication Administration Record (MOE/MAR) at Toronto’s University Health Network (UHN) – as a sample case. In addition to this case, there has been usage of additional information derived from the huge repository on the change management. The intended audience of this article includes the entire managerial chain of the healthcare network, so that a structured approach to transformation may be arrived at while considering healthcare organizations.

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