Sizes of the MPC and MPS

Supposing the level of investment is $16 billion and independent of the level of net output, complete the following table and find out the equilibrium levels of output and employment in this private closed economy.  Determine the sizes of the MPC and MPS?


2381_MPC and MPS.png




Saving data for completing the table (top to bottom):  $-4; $0; $4; $8; $12; $16; $20; $24; $28.

Equilibrium GDP = $340 billion, find out where (1) aggregate expenditures equivalent GDP (C of $324 billion + I of $16 billion will be GDP of $340 billion); or (2) where planned I is S (I of $16 billion = S of $16 billion).  Equilibrium level of employ will be 65 million; MPC = .8; MPS = .2.

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