Simulation with Arena

An office of state license bureau has two types of arrivals. Individuals interested in purchasing new plates are characterized to have inter-arrival times distributed as EXPO(6.8) and service times as TRIA(808, 13.7, 15.2); all times are in minutes. Individuals who want to renew or apply for a new driver’s license have inter-arrival times distributed as EXPO(8.7) and service times as TRIA(16.7, 20.5, 29.2). The office has two lines, one for each customer type. The office has five clerks: two devoted to plates (Mary and Kathy), two devoted to licenses (Sue and Jean), and the team leader (Neil) who can serve both customer types. Neil will serve the customer who has been waiting the longest. Assume that all clerks are available all the time for the eight-hour day. Note that when entities from the front of multiple FIFO queues (corresponding to multiple Process modules) try to seize the same Resource, the logic to select which entity “wins” is as though all the queues were merged together into a single FIFO queue. Observe the system or cycle time for both customer types. The office described in exercise above, is considering cross-training Kathy so she can serve both customer types. Modify the model to represent this, and see what effect this has on system time by customer.

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