
Short Paper Corporate Governance & Ethics

In FIN 620 each student is required to complete a paper that demonstrates effective communication skills, research competence, and technology fluency. The paper should demonstrate the ability to clearly communicate ideas about financial management in a professional manner and tone. Research for the paper can be conducted using the UMUC online library as a primary source, as well as industry and trade references. The paper should be created using word processing and other software programs to exhibit the student's ability to prepare technology-enhanced documents and/or presentations.

Effective communication includes appropriate writing style, organization, grammar, and spelling, as well as the ability to integrate course-related material and research. The paper should link concepts studied in the course to real-world organizations and the environments in which they operate. Research competency is evidenced by the student's ability to formulate a viable thesis or relevant research topic, select scholarly references and resources, and using sources in an ethical way to support positions taken in the paper. Technological fluency is apparent in the uses of technology in academic studies and in understanding its application in work and everyday life.

The paper should select an article from either the ABI/INFORM, Business Source Complete databases or other reliable sources (check with your instructor if unsure).  Your topic should cover one of the following three subjects that have been identified as issues that have significant impact on the financial decisions of managers and that are covered in varying depth in FIN 620.

  • Corporate Governance & Ethics
  • Risk Management
  • The Use of Technology in Finance

The paper should be 6 single spaced pages and consist of the following: Introduction/summary, analysis/critical evaluation and conclusions. In addition to the primary article selected, the student needs to perform additional research to support the analysis/critical evaluation portion of the paper. At least three sources should be included in the references of your paper. 

In terms of content, the paper should do the following:

1. Clearly state the issues being addressed.

For example, the student could address the recent changes in corporate governance driven by Sarbanes-Oxley legislation and new regulations promulgated by the SEC, NYSE, etc. What is the intended impact on corporate behavior and ethics and what are the prospects for success?

A paper on the use of technology in finance could explore the impact of changes in information technology and the financial impact of such changes on the structure of industries and in the ways companies compete, demonstrate how the organization's financial success is now being or will be affected in the future by the issues, e.g., costs, access to capital, revenues, risks.

2. Evaluate the position(s) taken in the article. Are there particular strengths or weaknesses in the accompanying arguments?

3. What is your assessment, given the views in the article and other research conducted? Conclusions need to be supported by solid analysis and logical reasoning.

Information on Data Sources  

Research for the paper can be-and is strongly recommended-to be conducted online using the UMUC online library as your primary source. When you download from online library, do not use abstracts, but use full-text articles: the pdf version typically prints out in the same format (e.g., exact page numbers) as the article appeared in the journal. You may find relevant and useful information for your paper from the following UMUC library sources, which you can access with Library Option at the top of the Web Tycho classroom screen: .

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