
Blakleys Secret Sharing Scheme

Give a brief explanation of the term Blakleys Secret Sharing Scheme.




The Blakley's secret sharing scheme is geometric in the nature. The secret is the points in the m-dimensional space n shares which are constructed with each share defining the hyperplane in this space. By finding intersection of any m of these planes, secret (or point of intersection) can be acquired. This scheme is not perfect, as the person with the share of the secret knows that the secret is the point on his hyperplane. Nevertheless, this scheme can be modified to achieve perfect security.This is based on the scenario where two shares are required to recover the secret. A two-dimensional plane is employed as only two shares are needed to recover secret. The secret is a point in plane. Each share is a line which passes through the point. If any two of the shares are put together, point of intersection, that is the secret, can be easily derived.

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