
Scope of Management

Scope of Management              

Areas where principles of management can be applied are the scope of management. 

(1) From Activity point of view, management can be made use of in the following activities performed by any group:-                                                                                                                               

 (i) Planning : What when and how to achieve, objective, setting rules and procedures, policies, strategies.

(ii) Organizing : Dividing work into convenient tasks duties, grouping duties in the form of positions.

(iii) Staffing: Manning the various positions created by organizing. 

(iv) Directing: Managers communicate subordinates about their expected behavior, guiding and leading them.

(v) Controlling: Identification of actual results comparison with expected result identifying deviation  

(2) Functional Areas of management: Functional areas of management include:

(I) Financial management : Which includes forecasting cost control, management accounting, budgetary control, statistical control financial planning and management of earnings. 

(ii) Personal management: Which includes recruitment, training transfer promotion demotion, retirement termination, labor welfare and social security industrial relations etc? 

(iii) Purchasing Management: Which includes inviting tenders for raw materials placing orders entering i9nto contracts materials control etc?

 (iv) Production Management: Which includes production planning production control techniques quality control and inspection time and motion studies etc? 

(v) Maintenance Management: Which relies to the proper care and maintenance of the buildings, plant and machinery etc? 

(vi) Transport Management: Which includes packing warehousing transportation by rail, road air etc.

(vii) Distribution Management: Which includes marketing market research price determination market risk and their avoidance advertisement publicity sales promotion etc.

(viii) Office Management: Which includes the proper layout staffing and equipment of the office? 

(ix) Development Management: Which relates to experimentation research etc?  

(3) Management is a fainter disciplinary approach: For the correct application of the management principles study of commerce economics sociology psychology and mathematics is very essential. 

(4) The principles of management are of universal application. 

(5) Three essential of management are:   (I) Scientific method,  (ii) Human relations and  (iii) Quantitative technique.  

(6)  Modern management is an agent of change: The techniques management can be improved by proper research and development.       

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