F.W.Tylor was the pioneer of the scientific management theory. He was a scientist and made researches how man can be used efficiently at work. During his research he found that the main cause of inefficiency and wastage in factories was ignorance on the part of both workers and managers of scientific methods. For this purpose he developed a theory known as 'Scientific Management', in which he suggested that the efficiency can be improved by investigations, analysis and measurement. He wrote a book 'Principles of Scientific Management' which is published in 1911.
Scientific Management;- Scientific management has been regarded as the attitude and philosophy of discarding the old rule of thumbs and resolved the problem of management through scientific investigations.
Features of Scientific Management
the main features of scientific management are:
(1) Separation of planning and doing: In the pre-Taylor- era a worker himself used to decide how he had to work and what machines and equipment would be required to perform the work. But Taylor separated the two functions of planning and doing; he emphasized that planning should be entrusted to specialists.
(2) Fictional foremanship: Taylor introduced functional foremanship of supervision and direction. Under the Eight- Boss- Scheme of functional foremanship, four persons: (i) Route clerk, (ii) Instruction card clerk, (iii) Time and cost clerk, and (iv) Disciplinarian are related with planning function and the remaining four (v) Speed boss, (vi) Inspector, (vii) Maintenance foreman, and (viii) Gang- boss is concerned with operating function.