
Runtime services

Give detail explanation of runtime services.




The functions of runtime services are:

i. Threading services - Manage physical threads utilized to perform workflow instances.

ii. Scheduling services – It enables creating and scheduling latest workflow instances for the execution.

iii. Transactions services – It provide transaction support needed for the data integrity.

iv. Work batch services – It enables behavior to keep a steady and consistent execution environment.

v. Persistence services – It enable us to save or restore a state of the running workflow for later use. We can restart saved workflow anytime in the future, yet after weeks of the inactivity.

vi. Timer service – It administer timing required by DelayActivity activity.

vii. Data exchange services - It administer the custom communication services.

viii. Tracking services – It facilitates us to observe the state of workflows. It is particularly useful when we have multiple workflows active at a same time like, in the shopping cart application.

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