
Role of ‘PR’ in an organisation

Clarify the different kinds of Role of ‘PR’ in an organisation?




The different kinds of Role of ‘PR’ in an organisation are as follows:-

a. Achievement of objectives as well as smooth functioning of business.

b. Building corporate image that affects favourably on its products it keeps up of sponsoring sports activities, parks, gardens etc.

c. Help in launching Products as well as Build interest in the established product.

d. Creating a constructive image of goods facing opposing publicity. For example, soft drink majors- Coco-cola, Pepsi was exposed to a controversy where there were pesticides found in the samples collected from different areas. In this type of conditions from numerous segments the companies involved severe disapproval like consumers, investors, government etc. This can be known as a public relations implementation so that damage could be controlled.

e. It acts as an enhancement to promotion in sponsoring new as well as existing products.

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