Research Areas in Medical Mathematical Modelling

Some Research Areas in Medical Mathematical Modelling:

1. Modeling and numerical simulations of the nanometric aerosols in the lower portion of the bronchial tree.

2. Multiscale mathematical modeling of the angiogenesi and tumour growth

3. Modelling the formation of atheromatous plaques.

4. Modelling of active suspensions.

5. Migraine with cortex and aura circumvolutions.

6. Physiological modelling of the renal dysfunction.

7. Cell motility: towards visco-elasto-plastic features.

8. Oxygen di usion during human breathing.

9. Asymptotic modelling and numerical simulations of blood flows in arteries with wired multi-layer stents.

10. Hormonal control of coupled and structured cell population dynamics.

11. Inflammation during ischemic stroke.

12. Multiscale modeling of virus infection and interferon-based immune response.

13. Paper by Roe-Dale

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