
Report on Business memo analyzing monthly sales

Write a Report on Business memo analyzing monthly sales of a company. Try to explain it with graphs.




In this business report I have tried to analyze the monthly sales of the company from Jan 2010 to Jan 2011 also the yearly sales achieved by the company from 2006 to 2010.

I have also tried to analyze the sales of each product line from 2009-2010 as well as each stores of the company for a time period 2010-2011 and also compared the revenue received from each product line and from each store of the company in the above mentioned time line.

In this report I have tried to analyze the daily sales of the three main stores of the company.

Also trying to analyze each product line, I have showed the distribution of sales by each type of computers.

Lastly I have tried to analyze the total sales of the company from 2006 to 2010 and also tried to compare whether we are able to meet the forecasted sales by comparing it with the actual sales for the time period July 2009 to Jan 2011.

With the help of this report we can analyze which product line and which store of the company is bringing maximum sales to the Company and hence give more emphasis on them and also make strategies to enhance the ones showing lowest sales.

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