Recession - Phases of business cycle

Describe about the term Boom in phases of business cycle.





While the economy reaches the peak- so than the course changes. A downward tendency within demand is observed although the producers who are not aware of this go on producing additionally. The supply currently exceeds demand. Currently the producers come to notice that their stock piling up. They are compelled to give up the future investment plans. The order for new components and raw materials are cancelled. There a business even cuts down its existing business. Employees are retrenched Capital goods producers who lose orders. But bankers insist on repayment. Stock builds up and Business failure raise investment ceases and unemployment leads to fall in expenditure, income, prices, industrial and profits as well as trade activities. Wish for liquidity increase all around producers are compelled to decrease price so that they can determine money to meet their obligations Consumers who expect an even further decline in prices postpone their consumption Stock goes upon piling up. Several firms are forced into bankruptcy. That failure of one firm affects other firm along with whom this has business connections.

There is a common distress. Such phase of the business cycle is termed as the Recession. This is the period of utmost -suffering for a business.

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