Question on Demand-Supply curves

Assume that the market for cigarettes in a specific town has the given supply and demand curves: QS = P; QD = 50 − P, here the quantities are evaluated in thousands of units. Assume that the town council requires raising $300,000 in revenue and decides to do this by taxing the cigarette market. What must be the excise tax in order to increase the needed amount of money?




Let assume that the needed tax is $T. Then in equilibrium, PD = PS + T. This entails that 50 – Q = Q + T, or Q = 25 – 0.5T.  As the needed quantity is $300,000, we should have T*Q = 600. (Keep in mind that Q is measured in thousands of units). Therefore T (25 – 0.5T) = 600. By solving this equation we obtain two possible values for tax: T = $20 or T = $30.  Either one would produce $300,000 in tax revenues, although of course T = $20 would do so with much smaller deadweight loss.

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