Quantities in a queuing system

Quantities in a queuing system:

1242_quantities in queuieg.jpg

A: Count of arrivals into system throughout measurement period T

Ak: Count of arrivals into queue k throughout  measurement period T

C: Count of global system completions throughout  the period T

Ck: Count of completions which departed the queue k during T

Vk: Count of repeated visits to the server k throughout  T

λk: Arrival rate at resource k = Ak / T

R: Mean time in system (residence time)

L: Average number of requests in system

W: Mean time in queue (that is, waiting time)

Lq: Average number of waiting to be served

S: Mean service time per completed job

X: Throughput

T: Total measurement period or observation time

K: Total number of queuing nodes k in system

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