
Put and get functions

The function get () is a member function of the file stream class f stream, and is used to read a single character from the file. The function put () is a member function of the output stream class f stream, and is used to write a single character from the output file. The programme give below reads strings from the standard input device, and writes the same to a file character by character. A sequential file is developed and its pointer is placed at the start of the file. It is processed in sequence till the end of file is reached.

Programme in C++, writes and reads characters from the file

# include < f. Stream .h >     

Void main ()


Char C, string [75];

F stream file ("student. Txt", ios : : in / ios : : out);

Cout << "enter string :";

  Cin. Get line (string, 74);

For (Int I = 0, string [I]; I++)

File. Put (string [I]);   // writes a character

File. Seek g (0);            // seek to the beginning

Cout << "output string : ";

While (file)               // reads a character


File. Get (C);

 Cout << c;



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