Productivity growth in quantitative importance

To what extent has enhanced in Canada’s real GDP been the result of more labour inputs? Of developing labour productivity? Describe the factors which contribute to productivity growth in order of their quantitative importance.





Productivity rising factors in descending order:

(a) Technological advance—the finding of new knowledge which results in the combining of resources in more productive ways.

(b) The quantity of capital.

(c) Education & training. Since the year of 1940 the proportion of those in the labour force with a high school education has doubled from 40 to 80 %. And those along with a college or university education contain more than doubled from under 10 % to over 20 %.

(d) Economies of scale and

(e) Developed resource allotment. Employees have been going out of lower productivity jobs to higher productivity jobs. Part of this is related with the enhanced efficiency frequently derived from production in larger plants, wherein specialization of labour and productivity-increasing methods is possible.


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