Problem related to rising GDP

Between 1961 and 2007, the rising share of the Canadian population in paid employment contributed to rising GDP per person. But suppose that the share of the Canadian population in paid employment had remained constant between 1961 and 2007. What would Canadian GDP per person have been in 2007? Make use of the relevant data from the following table:





In 1961 the average labour productivity was $39290 and the 33.2% of the population was employed. GDP per capita can be calculated by average labour productivity x % of population employed, ie $ 39290 x 33.2% = $ 13044 as given in the table.

Similarly the value of the GDP per capita in 2007 was calculated as $39736

If however, in 2007, the average labour productivity was $77688 and the share of population employed was 33.2%, the GDP per capita would be $ 77688 x 33.2% = $25792

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