
Problem on synchronous TDM

We require using synchronous TDM and joining 20 digital sources, each of 100 Kbps. Each and every output slot carries 1 bit for each digital source, however one extra bit is added up to each frame for synchronization.

a. Determine the size of an output frame in bits?

b. Evaluate the output frame rate?

c. Find out the duration of an output frame?

d. Determine the output data rate?




a. Frame size = 20*1 + 1(for synchronization) = 21 bits

b. Each frame carries 1 bit from each source,
Hence frame rate = 100, 000 frames/sec

c. Duration = 1/ frame rate = 10 Usec

d. Data rate = (100,000 frames/ sec) * (21 bits / frame) = 2.1 mps

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