Problem on sales and budget

XYZ Farm Supply data regarding the store's operations follow:

• Sales are budgeted at $480,000 for November, $430,000 for December, and $340,000 for January.

• Collections are expected to be 65% in the month of sale, 35% in the month following the sale.

• The cost of goods sold is 77% of sales.

• The company purchases 52% of its merchandise in the month prior to the month of sale and 48% in the month of sale. Payment for merchandise is made in the month following the purchase.

• Monthly selling & administrative expenses to be paid in cash are $20,900.

• Monthly depreciation is $21,700.

• Ignore taxes.

The net income for December would be:

A) $37,300
B) $56,300
C) $51,700
D) $35,300

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