Problem on Minimum Wage

Sec. A:The Bureau of Labor Statistics of a small state has asked you to analyze a minimum wage policy to support unskilled workers in the State’s local economy, which is still suffering from the effects of the recession.  Based on information that you’ve gathered, where “P” represents the hourly wage of unskilled workers, you’ve estimated that the demand for unskilled labor (QD) across the State is as follows:

QD = 1,000,000 – 40,000 P
Unskilled labor (QS) = -200,000 + 200,000 P

Answer the following questions about this competitive market for unskilled labor. In both cases, show your work.

1. A local legislator is concerned about the relatively low earnings of unskilled workers, and proposes a minimum hourly wage of $6.00.  Showing your work, explain how this would effect:

a. The number of unskilled workers employed
b. The number of unskilled workers who would be unemployed

2. Explain both the efficiency and equity consequences of the $6.00 minimum wage policy for unskilled workers.  Include charts supporting your answer.

Sec. B: Answer each of the questions below and illustrate your answers using supply and demand diagrams.In answering, assume that the market is initially in equilibrium, and that there is no minimum wage. Do not use the supply and demand equations in Section A Remember that in a labor market, demand depends on the behavior if potential employers, and supply depends on the decisions of potential workers.

1. The State experiences a significant immigration of unskilled workers.

2. Technological change makes it possible for computers to do at a relatively low cost a significant amount of work previously done by unskilled workers.

3. The system of adult education in the State provides previously unskilled workers with skills enabling them to compete for relatively high paying, skilled jobs.

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