
Problem on flow rate of natural gas

Natural Gas is flowing through a 10 inch schedule 40 pipe. The gas is at 109°F and 7.3 psig. The outside air temperature is 92°F. If the flow rate of the gas is 8,000 SCFM: What is the flow rate in lb/hr?




The cross sectional  Area of the Pipe

= (22/7)*((power(10.75,2)-power(10.02,2))= 47.65231429*0.00694444444=0.330918849sq ft

Now the volumetric flow rate 8000 SCFM  means 8000 cubic ft


P=7.3 psig=7.3+14.7 psi =22psi=22*6894.75729 pa


V=8000 cuft

V=8000*0.0283168466 cubic meters=226.5347728 Cu m

Temp =306.4833K

N= 151684.6604Pa*226.5347728 Cu m/(8.314J/K-mole*306.4833K)= 13485.27177 mole

Considering the Nutral gas is methane CH4 =16kg/mole

So Mass flow rate =215764.3484Kg/Hr =475678.9634lb/hr

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