Problem on EBIT

ABC Corporation stock sells at $27 per share and its dividend per share is $1.20. ABC has price-earnings ratio of 16. The company contains $40 million worth of bonds, selling at par, with 8.5% coupon. The EBIT of ABC is of $12 million and its tax rate is 30%. Calculate: (i) the dividend payout ratio, (ii) the total number of shares, and (iii) the total value of ABC.






Price-earnings ratio = price per share/EPS = 16

27/EPS = 16
EPS = $1.6875

Dividend payout ratio = DPS/EPS = 1.2/1.6875 = 0.7111 = 71.11%

Value of equity = 3.5674*$27 = 96.32 million

Value of debt = 40 million

Total value of Tafton = $136.32 million

Thus the dividend payout ratio is 71.11%, the total number of shares is 3.5674 million and the total value of AB is $136.32 million.

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