
Problem on Datalog for defining properties

The focus is on  the use of Datalog for defining properties  and queries on graphs.

(a) Assume that P is some property of graphs  definable in the Datalog. Show that P is preserved beneath extensions  and homomorphisms. That is, when G is a graph satisfying P, then for every supergraph of G (i.e., graph  extending G) satisfies  P, and  when h is a graph homomorphism, then h(G) satisfies P. Which of the below properties  and queries on graphs are definable in the Datalog?

(b) The number  of vertices  are even.

(c) There is a simple path (that is, a path without repeated vertices) of even length among two specified vertices.

(d) The binary relation? Having all pairs of vertices (a, b) for which  there  is a path of even length from a to b.

Given either a Datalog program stating the property or query or an argument why the property or query is not definable in the Datalog.

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