Problem on car rental plans

Ape Car Rental plans to begin its business by buying 10 cars at the average price of $18,000 each, depreciating them entirely over 5 years utilizing the straight-line method. It will rent space in a parking lot for $300 a month, paying the rent in advance every month. Ape expects that it will rent 5 cars on an average day, charging $40 per day per car. The maintenance cost for each car is $60 a month. After 5 years, Ape will sell the cars at 40% of the original value. Ape receives all income and pays all the bills, (apart from rent) at the end of each month, however it pays the taxes once a year. Its income tax rate is 25% and it will employ 12% as the discount rate. Suppose that there are 30 days in a month. Is it a valuable project for Ape?




Rent obtained = 5*$40*30*12 = 72000

Rent after tax = 54000

Parking space rent paid = 300*12 = 3600

Maintenance cost = 60*10*12 = 7200

Tax savings on expense = (3600+7200)*0.25 = 2700


The NPV is positive and high. Hence this is a worthwhile project for Ace.

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