
Principles of Response

What are the basic principles of response which move the reader closer to the aesthetic stance?




A student’s initial response is often limited to a summary of the plot. To move the reader closer to the aesthetic stance, the teacher must lead him to a deeper, often beyond-the-text response. Such response is supported by five basic principles:

Model Response: During read-alouds, stop and ask yourself questions, make predictions, clarify when you do not understand, and offer personal connections to the reading.

Provide Time: Rich response is mental exercise. Students will become more proficient responders when they are given ample time to think.

Vary Mediums: Not all response has to be oral. Accommodate different learning styles and personalities by offering a variety of avenues for response.

Facilitate – Don’t Dictate: The teacher must be careful not to lead students’ responses so that they agree with his or her own perspective. Authentic response is contingent upon one’s own experiences and understanding. For this reason, responses should be as unique as each reader.

Encourage Broad Connections: Extend responses so that students are able to draw connections between the story and other text (text-to-text connections.) Invite them to explore the relationship of the text to what they have experienced, know, or believe (text-to-self connections.) Finally, demonstrate the extent to which the story mirrors society or current events (text-to-world connections). 

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