
Pluricellular organisms-serial mitosis-antecedent cells

From zygote, pluricellular organisms are formed by the serial mitosis. Would this formation be probable if each cell made by the mitosis had an identical life concerning its antecedent cells? How did evolution solve that difficulty?




The formation of the complex and different pluricellular organisms would not be probable if mitosis in embryos produced only daughter cells with an identical life history as the mother cell, since there would not be discrimination and functional or structural specialization between cells.

Evolution solved the problem creating cellular discrimination procedure by which, motivated by the stimulus not yet well-recognized by the science, dissimilar and specialized cell lineages gave birth to dissimilar tissues, organs and systems that, as an entire, form the pluricellular organisms.

Cellular discrimination probably is an extremely intricate procedure which activates and inactivates some genes in the cell in response to some stimulus.

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